Use of growth factors from platelets in your blood to enhance healing of third molar extraction sites

There are a number of journal articles discussing the role of Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) or platelet concentrates in wound healing as it relates to third molars (wisdom teeth). This is an economical way to use growth factors from your own blood in an attempt to enhance your healing. Many studies have reviewed the effect of PRF and seen favorable outcomes with respect to pain, swelling, and the number of pain meds a patient takes after removal. Below the listed article is a brief conclusion of the study.

*Local Application of Platelet-Rich Fibrin During Lower Third Molar Extraction Improves Treatment Outcomes. JOMS 2017

-PRF significantly relieves pain and swelling and reduces the risk of dry socket

*Healing of Postextraction Sockets Preserved with Autologous Platelet Concentrates. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JOMS 2017.

-The conclusion was platelet concentrates should be used in extraction sites to improve soft tissue healing, improve bone density, and have decreased swelling and trismus.

*Evaluation of the effects of platelet-rich fibrin and piezosurgery on outcomes after removal of impacted mandibular third molars. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2016.

-The simple conclusion is pain and number of pain meds taken were significantly reduced when PRF was used in the third molar extraction site.

*Evaluation of Treatment Outcome After Impacted Third Molar Surgery With the Use of Autologous Platelet-Rich Fibrin: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study. JOMS 2015

-WIth respect to those who did not receive PRF in a wisdom tooth site, those who did receive PRF had less pain and less swelling, with better bone density at 1 and 3 months postop.

*Effects of Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin Alone and Combined With Hyaluronic Acid on Pain, Edema, and Trismus After Surgical Extraction of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars. JOMS 2018.

-PRF can be used to minimize postoperative swelling after third molar surgery.

*JOMS article in press “Can Plasma Rich in Growth Factors Expedite Healing of Postextraction Tooth Sockets in Patients Undergoing Urgent Liver Transplantation?

-Over 100 candidates for liver transplants who had 2 teeth out had one removed with plasma-rich growth factors (PRGF) and one without. The outcome of the trial showed that PRGF significantly accelerates healing of extraction sockets. Its use is recommended.

*Application of Platelet-Rich Fibrin Derivatives for Mandibular Third Molar Extraction Related Post-Operative Sequelae: A Systematic Review and Network Meta Analysis. JOMS 2021

-L-PRF improved postoperative pain and A-PRF promoted soft tissue healing.

*Effifacy and Safety of Concentrated Growth Factor Fibrin on the Extraction of Mandibular Third Molars. JOMS 2022

-Patients who received the concentrate of growth factors (CGF) had significantly less pain than the group that did not. The CGF group had no cases of dry socket, had better periodontal probing depth & better bone regeneration behind the second molar, & had improved bone mineral density 2 months after extraction compared to those who did not get CGF.

*Evaluation of the effects of platelet-rich fibrin and piezosurgery on outcomes after removal of impacted mandible third molars. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 54 (2016), 629-633

A study compared postop outcomes after removing wisdom teeth by the traditional method vs a piezo, both with and without PRF.

Results —> the groups who had PRF in wisdom tooth sites had less pain and needed fewer pain meds.
